Made for Mini Jam 75

How To Play:


You are a Wizard who has recently been accepted to Wizard school (Congratulations!!)

Each Week you visit the library to collect tomes to study for your classes. Unfortunately, because you are a wizard, you put most of your points in wisdom, and your strength is.... lacking. Therefore you can only carry a very limited number of tomes out of the library at a time.


Tomes come in many shapes and sizes. The larger the tome, the more knowledge it contains, and some tomes even contain knowlege of 2 schools. However, larger tomes also weigh more.  You must choose carefully, and get the right combination of tomes to pass your classes. 

Schools of Magic:

You are currently enrolled in classes for 6 basic schools of magic:

Pyromancy: The magic of creating and manipulating fire.

Cryomancy: The magic of ice and the cold. 

Biomancy: The magic of manipulating plants and nature 

Alchemy: The magic of transumuting matter

Enchantment: The magic of blessing or cursing physical objects 

Conjuration: The magic of summoning entities from other planes. 

There are also 2 supplementary schools of magic. 

Divination, or fortune telling, allows you to look in to the future and see some of the questions on your upcoming test (this is cheating), giving you a small bonus to all schools.  

Chronomancy, or time magic, allows you to rewind time and take a second trip to the library, effectively doubling your carrying capacity. (A wise wizard once said "The most powerful magic of all, is chronomancy"). 


There are 4 kinds of examination of varying difficulty. Quizzes are the easiest, followed by tests, then exams, and finally demonstrations. 

Good Luck

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